Saturday, 30 January 2016

Do you suffer from an Autoimmune Disorder?

Do you suffer from an autoimmune disorder?

An autoimmune disorder occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake. 

There are more than 80 types of autoimmune disorders. 

When you have an autoimmune disorder, your immune system does not distinguish between healthy tissue and antigens. As a result, the body sets off a reaction that destroys normal tissues.[i]

Autoimmune disorders directly affect the body in numerous ways.  Individuals who suffer with a disorder of this type know all too well the effects of their illness. What is known is that the supplementation of immune boosting products can assist to alleviate the symptoms.[ii] 

The best course of action is to be knowledgeable about available options. Ideally, products that deal with cell recovery and cell health can make a tremendous change in the body’s response to autoimmune disorders. The only way to be certain if the symptoms you may be experiencing are associated with an autoimmune disorder is to have proper testing administered by a physician. Treatment options are available. Doing your own research may make all the difference on how you address your auto-immune disorder.

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1


Thursday, 28 January 2016

"Join the Conversation" events with Glissandra

GLISSANDRA makes building your business and learning about the products easier than before. 

"JOIN THE CONVERSATION" events scheduled weekly on

Events take place 6PM Pacific on (see schedule below) 

To join, register online via, Glissandra's social media post links or by clicking on "events" at

Current scheduled events are as follows:

MONDAYS- Glissandra Team Leaders "blab" live about current Glissandra activities providing guidance and support. 

TUESDAYS- Join the generic MLM "blab" and hear from $million dollars earner about how to generate sales and build your business.

THURSDAYS- Join VP, Craig Peloquin and guests discuss the products, bussiness opportunity and more!

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Glissandra to give their distributors recognition!

Glissandra Inc. woud like to give recognition to their Independent Distributors!

Have you achieved specific business goals as Glissandra Distributor? 

Are you climbing the business leader rankings with your Glissandra business?

At Glissandra, we are thankful for all that our distributors do! As a form of thanks, we would like to recognize our BRONZE members and above! 

To be recognized, please submit your headshot to the

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The difference between Glissandrin and Schisandrin

Glissandra Inc. Explains the difference between 

Glissandrin and Schisandrin!

Schisandrin is the chemistry located within the Schissandra Berry which is harvested from the North East part of China and used in Glissandra's products. Schissandrin's are known to contain anit-aging properties and have been utilized in TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) for centuries. Considered a herb, the schissandra berry has been extensively studied, researched and documented in scientific journals.

Glissandrin, is Glissandra's propreitary ingredient consisting of a suite of Schisandrins such as vitamins A, B, C and -B. A labour of love, Glissandrin has been formulated to deal with the root cause of aging (mitochondria) and change cellular reactions to anti-oxidants (free radicals).

Glissandra's products deal with the root cause of aging rather than masking the effects.

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Enroll 3 "Yours is Free"

Glissandra makes growing your business easy. 

Did you know that if you enroll "3" your products are FREE? 

Full details are available online at: or

Glissandra's compensation plan is meant to reward business leaders. Loaded with lots of bonus incentives, growing your Glissandra business is easy, fun and rewarding. Let us help show you how you  can earn residual income while becoming and Independent Distrubutor with Glissandra.

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Monday, 25 January 2016

Give the "Gift of Health" this Valentine's Day!

Glissandra products are the perfect gift this Valentine's Day!

Glissandra has made gift giving easy with product packages to suit your needs. This Valentine's Day, consider giving the gift of health. Glissandra, has various products that can help you show how much you care. Showing your loved ones that you care about their internal and external health is an indication that you are thinking of their well-being and longevity.

Glissandra's products include their gsFitness supplement, Serum, Face Cream and Eye Cream.
Their products, contain their propreitaty ingredients, Schisandrin. Based on scientific processes, the products can help you look and feel your best. Product users have had tremendous success with external and internal changes. See and feel the difference!

Products can be purchased online

Glissandra Before and Now Images!

Glissandra would like to share with you BEFORE/NOW images from our product users!

Pauline Leung
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada/Hong Kong Mainland China

Kenny Au
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Ron Borse
White Rock, British Columbia, Canada

Sandy Ng, Canada

Sherrie Church
Orlando, Florida, USA

Diana Kerekes (1)
New Jersey, USA

Diana Kerekes (2)
New Jersey, USA

Glissandra Wallpaper!

Glissandra has made availble many different wallpaper styles to choose from. These images are easily downloadable and can be used to assist grow your Glissandra business. Wallpaper images can be used as a backdrop to your images, shared on social media or sent via an email. Enjoy!