Monday, 15 February 2016

Grow your business! Host a PARTY!

Can business growth and brand awareness be accomplished by hosting an informal get together?

Have you ever considered incorporating business with pleasure? Would you like to introduce your friends, family and business prospects to hear and see what your doing in an informal setting? Consider hosting a party!

For some, the thought of party planning can be enough to make their head spin. The key is to make your event fun, simple and cost effective while allowing your attendees the ability to understand your business venture. Hosting an informal get together might just be what your business needs. There are numerous options available to you that you may have not considered. 

One of Glissandra’s distributors, Matthew Edwards, has done just that. He has created an event that is exciting yet does not require a lot of planning on his end. For him, planning a business get together at a local Salt Lake City restaurant made sense. He scheduled the event for a short period of time making it feasible for those invited to attend. Upon arrival, guests will have the option to partake in a beverage of their choice. This allows Matthew the ability to share with others what he is doing and how they too can potentially benefit from the business opportunity and products. The location setting also gives him the added advantage of speaking to those that happen to be there on their own accord. Below is the invitation that Matthew has sent to his prospects. His invitation is concise, clear and explains what he will be discussing.

Here are some other party planning ideas that you may have not considered that do not take a lot of effort while allowing you to showcase your business and products in a safe and non-threatening enviroment. The idea behind an informal party is to bring together family, friends and business prospects to establish relationship growth while sharing your business adventure. 

Have Fun
Be Creative
Incite Excitement
Request RSVP Responses
Create a Large List of Prospects
Make it about Them
Display and Showcase your products!

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Live Video Streaming to grow YOUR Glissandra business!

What is "Live Video Streaming?"

Live video streaming is content shared via the internet in real time using any device that can capture images, voice dialogue and text capabilities.

If you have a cellphone, i-pad, laptop or desktop computer and internet, you can live video stream anywhere.

Using various social media platforms to grow your Glissandra business can be an effective way to share brand information and share YOUR Independent Distributorship opportunity with others. Deciding which social media platform is an independent decision based on your networking goals.

A new format of sharing your information is via “Live Video Streaming” platforms such as 

Glissandra’s corporate team capatilizes on live video streaming with their weekly, Thursday evening blabs in which they share the Glissandra business presentation. Glissandra team members are now also utilizing the strength of broad audiences by hosting a live blab on Mondays in which they share team information, product knowledge and business building techniques. Currently, all blabs related to Glissandra are scheduled at 6PM Pacific.

Registering is simple. Pre-registering to participate is even easier with links located on the Glissandra home page (under events) and by clicking on links shared with Glissandra’s other social media platforms.

The first thing that you will need is a twitter account. By creating a twitter account, you will have access to any live or recorded conversation available. 

An important component of participating in blab is to ensure that your twitter profile indicates who you are, what your do and any other information that might be relevant to draw followers to your twitter page. Be sure to also upload a recent photograph as this further expands your brand image. Brand image will ensure that you are being followed by like-minded individuals. You will also want to ensure that you begin following others as well which expands your networking potential further.


1.     Setup a twitter account
2.     Ensure that your camera and microphone are working optimally
3.     Ensure that your internet connection can handle “live video streaming” bandwidth
4.     Jump into Glissandra’s blab conversations to get a feel of how  to properly use “live video streaming” before you yourself go live
5.     Be valuable (have something of value to share)
6.     Be authentic (do not try to be someone other than yourself)
7.     Look prepared to be recorded by being presentable (Remember, your brand image is being assessed by viewers everywhere)
8.     Remember to acknowledge those who have come to listen to your expertise

TIPS! can be accessed from anywhere in the world and conversations can take place in any language

Creating your own blab is simple. Inviting team members, prospects and cusotmers to your own "blabs" or to Glissandra's "blab" can be profitable.

 You can discuss ANY topic that you want.

     Consistency is important. Scheduling a weekly, daily or monthly blab will entice your audience to want to hear more. It is not imperative that you do so. However, to create a large audience base, consistency is key. has many conversations related to business growth in many areas. Join and watch other conversations to learn how their advice can help you.

Live Video Streaming appears to be the trend of the future as it allows face to face conversations to happen bringing viewers back to communicating with one another.

Enjoy your new adventure with "live video streaming"

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Making "money" as an Independent Distributor!

Business building makes “money” with Glissandra!

In a world that is forever changing, many individuals are choosing to step away from traditional 9-5 jobs in pursuit of financial independence, work-life balance and self-ownership control. Long gone are the days in which one typically remains at the same job for their entire adult life. Times are changing…and changing fast. The concept of "working for oneself" becomes more attractive each year.

Owning a business is an exciting and viable way to formats one’s workday to suit the rigours and demands of their current lifestyle. Men and women alike are now seeking financial freedom away from confinement and parameters of a traditional job. Becoming  an Independent Distrubutor with Glissandra is easy and allows you the benefits of having a home-based business.

Glissandra, provides their distributors with all the training tools, marketing materials, scientific data, product knowledge and support without having to reinvent the wheel. Distributors, are able to pursue their business and personal goals while establishing their place in the billion dollar arena of  MLM commerce. Provided with a customizable website, commerce has never been easier than now. The MLM (multi-level marketing) industry, continues to grow annually at a rate of approximately 6-8%. Increased annual sales means the potential for more money in your pocket. Even better, is the potential to earn residual sales while your business continues to grow.

The wellness industry, generating 24% of overall MLM annual sales, leads the market. This is good news for Glissandra as their distributor base continues to grow annually. Typically, women dominate the industry at 72%. Men are now quickly making their presence in the MLM industry known. With annual percentage growth increasing yearly, more men are taking advantage of this type of business model. Professional business builders are equal at rates of 50/50 (men/women) when it comes to generating residual income and growing large distributorship downlines.

Glissandra is pleased to have one of the most lucrative compensation plans on the market. Loaded with bonus incentives, achievable level rankings and lucrative residual income potentials, their products and business model, allow for organic business growth. As an Independent Distrubtor, one has the ability to achieve goals based on their own timeline. With global expansion in the works, Glissandra continues to open new markets annually. This is great news for business builders. 

If you are seeking an opportunity that is exciting, new and potentially quite lucrative, then becoming an Independent Distributor with Glissandra just might be what your are looking for.

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Do you suffer from an Autoimmune Disorder?

Do you suffer from an autoimmune disorder?

An autoimmune disorder occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake. 

There are more than 80 types of autoimmune disorders. 

When you have an autoimmune disorder, your immune system does not distinguish between healthy tissue and antigens. As a result, the body sets off a reaction that destroys normal tissues.[i]

Autoimmune disorders directly affect the body in numerous ways.  Individuals who suffer with a disorder of this type know all too well the effects of their illness. What is known is that the supplementation of immune boosting products can assist to alleviate the symptoms.[ii] 

The best course of action is to be knowledgeable about available options. Ideally, products that deal with cell recovery and cell health can make a tremendous change in the body’s response to autoimmune disorders. The only way to be certain if the symptoms you may be experiencing are associated with an autoimmune disorder is to have proper testing administered by a physician. Treatment options are available. Doing your own research may make all the difference on how you address your auto-immune disorder.

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1


Thursday, 28 January 2016

"Join the Conversation" events with Glissandra

GLISSANDRA makes building your business and learning about the products easier than before. 

"JOIN THE CONVERSATION" events scheduled weekly on

Events take place 6PM Pacific on (see schedule below) 

To join, register online via, Glissandra's social media post links or by clicking on "events" at

Current scheduled events are as follows:

MONDAYS- Glissandra Team Leaders "blab" live about current Glissandra activities providing guidance and support. 

TUESDAYS- Join the generic MLM "blab" and hear from $million dollars earner about how to generate sales and build your business.

THURSDAYS- Join VP, Craig Peloquin and guests discuss the products, bussiness opportunity and more!

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Glissandra to give their distributors recognition!

Glissandra Inc. woud like to give recognition to their Independent Distributors!

Have you achieved specific business goals as Glissandra Distributor? 

Are you climbing the business leader rankings with your Glissandra business?

At Glissandra, we are thankful for all that our distributors do! As a form of thanks, we would like to recognize our BRONZE members and above! 

To be recognized, please submit your headshot to the

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The difference between Glissandrin and Schisandrin

Glissandra Inc. Explains the difference between 

Glissandrin and Schisandrin!

Schisandrin is the chemistry located within the Schissandra Berry which is harvested from the North East part of China and used in Glissandra's products. Schissandrin's are known to contain anit-aging properties and have been utilized in TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) for centuries. Considered a herb, the schissandra berry has been extensively studied, researched and documented in scientific journals.

Glissandrin, is Glissandra's propreitary ingredient consisting of a suite of Schisandrins such as vitamins A, B, C and -B. A labour of love, Glissandrin has been formulated to deal with the root cause of aging (mitochondria) and change cellular reactions to anti-oxidants (free radicals).

Glissandra's products deal with the root cause of aging rather than masking the effects.

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1