Monday, 15 February 2016

Grow your business! Host a PARTY!

Can business growth and brand awareness be accomplished by hosting an informal get together?

Have you ever considered incorporating business with pleasure? Would you like to introduce your friends, family and business prospects to hear and see what your doing in an informal setting? Consider hosting a party!

For some, the thought of party planning can be enough to make their head spin. The key is to make your event fun, simple and cost effective while allowing your attendees the ability to understand your business venture. Hosting an informal get together might just be what your business needs. There are numerous options available to you that you may have not considered. 

One of Glissandra’s distributors, Matthew Edwards, has done just that. He has created an event that is exciting yet does not require a lot of planning on his end. For him, planning a business get together at a local Salt Lake City restaurant made sense. He scheduled the event for a short period of time making it feasible for those invited to attend. Upon arrival, guests will have the option to partake in a beverage of their choice. This allows Matthew the ability to share with others what he is doing and how they too can potentially benefit from the business opportunity and products. The location setting also gives him the added advantage of speaking to those that happen to be there on their own accord. Below is the invitation that Matthew has sent to his prospects. His invitation is concise, clear and explains what he will be discussing.

Here are some other party planning ideas that you may have not considered that do not take a lot of effort while allowing you to showcase your business and products in a safe and non-threatening enviroment. The idea behind an informal party is to bring together family, friends and business prospects to establish relationship growth while sharing your business adventure. 

Have Fun
Be Creative
Incite Excitement
Request RSVP Responses
Create a Large List of Prospects
Make it about Them
Display and Showcase your products!

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

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