Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Glissandra: Before and After Images

The following Glissandra product user images HAVE NOT been altered in any way!

Ron Borse, White Rock, BC

 Dominic, North Vancouver, BC

Sandy Ng, Asia

Kenny Au, Vancouver, BC

Pauline Leung, Vancouver, BC and Hong Kong, China

If you are a Glissandra customer and would like to submit your before and after images, please do not hesitate to share them with us. 

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

How Sharing Social Media Posts can increase Glissandra's Brand!

Social Media to Build Your Glissandra Business!

"From the time we are able to walk and talk, etched into our minds are certain brand images which upon seeing...tell a story"

Certain brands immediately tell a story. Etched into our subconscious is the full story of how, why and where the brand image is going to take us. Some brands are so recognizable that we immediately know what to expect in terms of products, ambiance and marketing. In fact, Glissandra's Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Craig Peloquin was once the famous clown for a franchise that is known for their golden arches. Without telling you which brand Craig represented, most individuals would automatically make an assumption based on the description above. 

 Understanding the basics of marketing and how social media can impact brand recognition is key in promoting your personal products!

At Glissandra, we make sharing social media simple. Our corporate team has made sharing social media posts, videos, images and blurbs accesible for everyone to see, use, comment and share. Social media sharing can make all the differance for your business! It allows for information to be passed around and distributed worldwide via different avenues and circles of influence. We cannot however, share all the content on our own. Our distributors and customers are fundamental in sharing, liking and commenting on social media posts. Consisteny is KEY!

Sharing allows for the Glissandra brand to become recognizable everywhere!

Sharing posts, comments, photos, videos and "likes" increases your independent distributor brand...therefore, increasing brand recognition as a whole.

Brand recognition is good for everyone! 

"The best compliment that a brand can receive is to have their products and brand shared over and over again"

Where can you find Glissandra on social media? 







Click on any of the hyperlinks above to take you directly to Glissanadra's social media feeds. Please follow and like us on social media! 

Image result for instagram logo

Monday, 14 December 2015

Are you an INDEPENDENT or DEPENDENT Glissandra Distributor?

If it was against the law to be an independent Glissandra Distributor, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Have you been neglecting to educate yourself as to the tools available for you in the “back office?" Do you constantly rely on the help of others to ensure your business success?

The business term “independent distributor” comes with great responsibility! As an independent distributor you have entered into an agreement that your business success is as a result of being an “independent” contractor for the product you agree to represent.
It means that you should learn as much as possible about the products that you represent.

Independent distributors can also be described as sales agents, marketers, MLM distributors, networkers and more.

 An Independent distribuotr is a person who sells products for a multilevel marketing or networking company while acting as an independent contractor. They act independently, creating their own hours, ensuring self-promotion and spreading the "word" all while having the resources, tools and applications created by corporate which will allow them to navigate the world of businesst towards achieving goals.

Glissandra Inc, provides all independent distributors with the tools that are required to ensure their own business success. Upon enrollment, distributors  have immediate access to Glissandra’s tools, videos, brochures, sales reports, downlines and so much more! Taking advantage of corporate information is worthwhile and can make a difference in your overall success. Think of it this any other business, you must prepare yourself with study and self-promotion. Without this commitment, there is no way that you could possibly have every piece of arsenal at your disposal. 

All Glissandra distributors have access to heaps of information which is accessible in Glissandra’s back office! To access information log into


ü  Knows how to access (login) into the back office
ü  Can navigate back office tools
ü  Can enroll a distributor onto their team
ü  Can submit a support ticket
ü  Reads all corporate emails
ü  Can redeem training credits used for additional Glissandra training events
ü  Can access and download videos, articles, brochures from the corporate back office
ü  Knows that there are scientific and research papers available to download and share
ü  Understands that there a business tools available to access
ü  Can access private shopping cart and purchase requests
ü  Knows the Glissandra products
ü  Can access the Glissandra price list
ü  Understands the packages available during registration
ü  When to contact corporate
ü  Understands the basic compensation plan levels
ü  Knows when to utilize corporate for assistance with three way calls, advice, etc.
ü  Has a Glissandra business card
ü  Has their social media profiles reflecting that they are a Glissandra distributor
ü  Likes and follows Glissandra on social media
ü  Has posted something daily about Glissandra on social media


ü  Cannot log into the back office without assistance
ü  Has never navigated the tools in the back office
ü  Cannot sign up a new distributor
ü  Cannot submit a support ticket
ü  Does not read corporate emails
ü  Cannot access videos, articles, etc.
ü  Is unaware of the mountains of scientific research available to them
ü  Is unaware of the business tools available as a Glissandra distributor
ü  Does not know how to download marketing tools from the back office
ü  Cannot update and change auto-ship orders and access the shopping cart
ü  Does not understand the terms and conditions
ü  Is unaware of how the products work
ü  Relies on corporate to assist with every detail
ü  Unaware of the price of  Glissandra products
ü  Blames others for lack of business success
ü  Does not lean on their "upline" for assistance
ü  Calls the Glissandra “hotline” unnecessarily
ü  Does not understand Glissandra’s return policy
ü  Cannot comprehend team placement
ü  Does not promote their business on social media
ü  Does not follow Glissandra on social media
ü  Has not updated their profiles indicating that they are Glissandra distributors

As Glissandra continues to grow, our distributors should familiarize themselves with all the tools made available to them. Of course, you will never be left without corporate or upline support while building your business. However, the best favour you can do for yourself is to learn, learn learn! Familiarizing yourself with our products, science, tools and packages are all a start to a succesful career as an INDEPENDENT GLISSANDRA DISTRIBUTOR.

Empower yourself to be able to do things succesfully on your own WHILE knowing when to ask for help!

Remember, your personal success will be predicated upon your desire to be successful!

Glissandra™ Skincare Inc. 305-5811 Cooney Road Richmond, BC Canada, V6X3M1

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Make Money with Glissandra!

Increase your financial status with Glissandra!

Making money with Glissandra!

The amount of money made with any MLM company is based on their compensation plan and it's layout structure. Products aside, the main goal of becoming a distributor with any MLM company is to establish oneself with a healthy base of likeminded business leaders all with their eye on the potential for residual income. Glissandra.Inc,with customers and distributors in Canada, USA, Australia and Asia focuses on allowing for their compensation plan to place leaders under leaders which in turn allows for a maximization of business income.  Most compensation plans do not allow for business growth in this manner, therfore, making it difficult to earn an income. But for Glissandra, their compensation plan was as important as their amazing products. Glissandra, created a plan that empowers individuals to potentially make substantial lifestyle changes all while running their own home based business.

Full of bonus incentives, leader ranking bonuses and a 4 generational payout, Glissandra makes building a business fun and exciting!

Why choose Glissandra?

Glissandra is in its infancy, so to speak. As an MLM business, Glissandra is relatively new. Yes, they have been in operation for over 20 years but the company focus was the development of products that work! They wanted products that were backed by science and could make a difference in how people look and feel. In addition, while working on research and development, Glissandra was able to set up a progressive and lucrative compensation plan that focused on rewarding their business leaders. 

When deciding who and when to join any MLM company, many people make their decisions based on numerous factors. Serious MLM business leaders typically choose an MLM company that is its infancy as this allows them to make the most residual income by coming in early! They do not wait until the market is saturated, they make their business decisions based on timing and entry levels. The timing for Glissandra is NOW! Glissandra is in a substantial growth phase with 2016 poised to be a monstrous year for business developers. There will always be an opportunity to make money with Glissandra, thats a given. For serious money makers, getting in early is key!

What are the costs involved to become a Glissandra Distributor?

Like any business, there will be costs associated with becoming a Glissandra distributor. You will require products to use and demonstrate. It is advised that you also conduct business using a mobile device, but it is certainly is not limited to this.  You will be required to enroll as a distributor allowing you full access to the Glissandra "back office" loaded with tools to make your business successful. Here is the best part. There are minimal monthly purchasing requirements (product sales are required to receive compensation) making business building viable. Becoming a Glissandra distributor is easy and affordable! Enrollment is $30 (US funds) and allows you to purchase the products at wholesale and sell at retail. There are different packages to choose from when enrolling as a Glissandra distributor. The "Fast Start Business Builder Package" topping at a mere $968. is typically selected by serious business builders. 

About the Glissandra products!

  They have developed products that focus on the cause of aging instead of simply masking the effects. 

Glissandra's products main goal is, to tackle the body's mitochondrial decay. Mitochondrial decay is the cellular decay that occurs due to internal and external oxidization (cell death) created by free-radicals that are sustained due to age, lifestyle and health factors. Their propreitary ingredients are based on over 20 years of scientific research and product development. Their patented formulations are more than your basic products. They WORK! Their products are considered a neutraceutical focusing on aging at a cellular level. In addition, the products based on their propreitary ingredients are an adaptogen which means that they have the ability to adapt to the body needs internally and externally upon demand.  

Now is the time for you to create the life you deserve!

Glissandra is commited to providing excellence both within their business model (compensation plan) and in their products. To find out more about the business opportunity or products contact info or  Craig Peloquin, VP of Sales and Marketing at

Disclaimer: Becoming a Glissandra distributor does not automatically guarantee a monthly income. It is up to you to build your team and customer base. Glissandra will help where needed by providing training tools, seminars (optional) and upline assistance. Your motivation to grow your own business will be dictated by your personal commitment to success. We are there to assist when we can.                                      Remember, this is not a traditional job..this is a business opportunity!

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Shocking Glissandra.Inc Photos!

At Glissandra.Inc, we are not known for posting before and after pictures of our happy product users. Things are about to change! We are extremely proud of our customer results and it is about time that as a global skincare company, we share some of our customer success stories.

Glissandra customer feedback is important! The feedback from our customers remain consistent and have not changed. 

Once customers start using our products, they simply cannot stop using or talking about them. 

Improvements, regarding the visible signs of aging are evident with results becoming permanent over time. Skin texture, elasticity, pore size, scarring, sun damage, and fine lines are greatly improved over time. Most of our customer testimonials have indicated an immense change in the appearance and texture of their skin.. and in some cases, almost immediately. 

 Our products consist of  luxurious, propreitary ingredients packaged in recyclable containers. Our product scents are based on infused essential oils and loved by all. Glissandra's products are dose dependent meaning that they cannot be overused. 

The more you use our products...the faster you will see results! 

Scientifically formulated and researched, Glissandra's mission is to address the cause of aging rather simply masking the signs of aging. Our products contain years of scientific research and have gone through rigourous studies. What is most important is that...THEY WORK!


The photographs below HAVE NOT been altered in any way!

Glissandra Serum applied to Dominic. 
Results after 15 minutes. See his fine lines virtually disappear from our eyes. 

Glissandra's serum, facecream and eyecream applied daily.
 Kenny saw tremendous results to  his fine lines (diminished), age spots (diminshed), face contours (chin and neck lifting) and  pores (smaller and less visable) all in 14 weeks and continues to use the products daily. 

After using Glissandra's skincare system (serum, facecream and eyecream) daily, Pauline, who suffered terribly from product allergies and sensitivities saw an incredible improvement immediately. Within 1 year of daily use, her skin glows, fine lines are greatly diminshed and her redness and allergic reactions are non-existant. She is the epitomy of natural beauty!

Our products have been scientifically researched and in various stages of product development for the past 20+ years to ensure quality and product perfection. At Glissandra, we strive for excellence and continue to improve our formulation. Our products are the only one of its kind. We are the only skincare company with Schisandrin B as our propreitary ingredient. We are pleased and honored to have made tremendous differences in so many of our customers lives. Nothing reflects outer beauty more than healthy, glowing and blemish/scar free skin. Our commitment is to continue to produce high quality products that you continue to enjoy. Backed by an incredible amount of science, our products do so much more and can potentially change the way you view yourself. 

Give our products a try. If you are not thouroughly satisfied, return your empty bottles back to us (within 30 days) for a full refund. This is proof of our belief in the quality of our products.

For more information or to request scientific evidence please contact: