Social Media to Build Your Glissandra Business!
"From the time we are able to walk and talk, etched into our minds are certain brand images which upon seeing...tell a story"
Certain brands immediately tell a story. Etched into our subconscious is the full story of how, why and where the brand image is going to take us. Some brands are so recognizable that we immediately know what to expect in terms of products, ambiance and marketing. In fact, Glissandra's Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Craig Peloquin was once the famous clown for a franchise that is known for their golden arches. Without telling you which brand Craig represented, most individuals would automatically make an assumption based on the description above.
Understanding the basics of marketing and how social media can impact brand recognition is key in promoting your personal products!
At Glissandra, we make sharing social media simple. Our corporate team has made sharing social media posts, videos, images and blurbs accesible for everyone to see, use, comment and share. Social media sharing can make all the differance for your business! It allows for information to be passed around and distributed worldwide via different avenues and circles of influence. We cannot however, share all the content on our own. Our distributors and customers are fundamental in sharing, liking and commenting on social media posts. Consisteny is KEY!
Sharing allows for the Glissandra brand to become recognizable everywhere!
Sharing posts, comments, photos, videos and "likes" increases your independent distributor brand...therefore, increasing brand recognition as a whole.
Brand recognition is good for everyone!
"The best compliment that a brand can receive is to have their products and brand shared over and over again"
Where can you find Glissandra on social media?
Click on any of the hyperlinks above to take you directly to Glissanadra's social media feeds. Please follow and like us on social media!
Click on any of the hyperlinks above to take you directly to Glissanadra's social media feeds. Please follow and like us on social media!
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