Thursday, 3 December 2015

Shocking Glissandra.Inc Photos!

At Glissandra.Inc, we are not known for posting before and after pictures of our happy product users. Things are about to change! We are extremely proud of our customer results and it is about time that as a global skincare company, we share some of our customer success stories.

Glissandra customer feedback is important! The feedback from our customers remain consistent and have not changed. 

Once customers start using our products, they simply cannot stop using or talking about them. 

Improvements, regarding the visible signs of aging are evident with results becoming permanent over time. Skin texture, elasticity, pore size, scarring, sun damage, and fine lines are greatly improved over time. Most of our customer testimonials have indicated an immense change in the appearance and texture of their skin.. and in some cases, almost immediately. 

 Our products consist of  luxurious, propreitary ingredients packaged in recyclable containers. Our product scents are based on infused essential oils and loved by all. Glissandra's products are dose dependent meaning that they cannot be overused. 

The more you use our products...the faster you will see results! 

Scientifically formulated and researched, Glissandra's mission is to address the cause of aging rather simply masking the signs of aging. Our products contain years of scientific research and have gone through rigourous studies. What is most important is that...THEY WORK!


The photographs below HAVE NOT been altered in any way!

Glissandra Serum applied to Dominic. 
Results after 15 minutes. See his fine lines virtually disappear from our eyes. 

Glissandra's serum, facecream and eyecream applied daily.
 Kenny saw tremendous results to  his fine lines (diminished), age spots (diminshed), face contours (chin and neck lifting) and  pores (smaller and less visable) all in 14 weeks and continues to use the products daily. 

After using Glissandra's skincare system (serum, facecream and eyecream) daily, Pauline, who suffered terribly from product allergies and sensitivities saw an incredible improvement immediately. Within 1 year of daily use, her skin glows, fine lines are greatly diminshed and her redness and allergic reactions are non-existant. She is the epitomy of natural beauty!

Our products have been scientifically researched and in various stages of product development for the past 20+ years to ensure quality and product perfection. At Glissandra, we strive for excellence and continue to improve our formulation. Our products are the only one of its kind. We are the only skincare company with Schisandrin B as our propreitary ingredient. We are pleased and honored to have made tremendous differences in so many of our customers lives. Nothing reflects outer beauty more than healthy, glowing and blemish/scar free skin. Our commitment is to continue to produce high quality products that you continue to enjoy. Backed by an incredible amount of science, our products do so much more and can potentially change the way you view yourself. 

Give our products a try. If you are not thouroughly satisfied, return your empty bottles back to us (within 30 days) for a full refund. This is proof of our belief in the quality of our products.

For more information or to request scientific evidence please contact:

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